Thinking about building brand experience through online contents?
Well, bloggers may appear to be a good way to create and promote your brand.

Why should you consider social media marketing for your brand:

  • Becuase your customers might prove to be “good” content providers.
  • Because your customers are brand messengers and influencers.
  • And finally because there is notheing wrong in asking your customers Read more

Should a company have a Social Media Strategy?

Should a company listen to what consumers have to say? What happens if the company doesn’t listen? Is it the responsibility of the company to enter into a dialog with their consumers?

For years corporate communication has been seen as a monolog. Companies have grown accustomed to the one-way channel of TV, Radio and Magazines etc. talking to consumers. Read more

NEW YORK Like many utopian visions, Second Life was uncompromising in its laissez-faire approach. The virtual world was launched as a platform that allowed users to do pretty much whatever they pleased, Read more