
Or: The end of marketing, as we know it, is near… Pt. 2

Think about advertising as a large water park with various swimming pools. In the different pools are the recipients, our consumers. They swim around and talk to each other and enjoy their lives. The advertiser sits in the lifeguard chair (think of it as a podium), with his megaphone and yells to the consumers. If he shouts the message loud enough, at the right time and if it is meaningful, maybe the consumers listen.

So this has been the job of the advertiser for quite some time. He had to decide which pool to shout his message to, which message would get the swimmers to listen and which bullhorn would reach the most swimmers. A good advertiser would have a great message and deliver it in such a way that most of the pool listened. New advances in technology enabled great messages to be carried from pool to pool. With each advance, the advertiser adapted and then kept right on shouting his message to the consumers.

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E-mail has long been amongst the most popular activities online, together with searching information on the net. But according to Nielsen there is a new killer application around: social networking.

Nielsen Research Global Active Reach

Nielsen Research Global Active Reach

A study shows, that people in the US and other countries worldwide are using social networks and blogs more often than e-mail. While searching the net remains the most popular online activity, social network and blog use exceeded that of e-mail, increasing their reach by 5.4 percentage points. As a result social network and blogging sites are now the fourth most popular activity on the Internet. Read more