
E-mail has long been amongst the most popular activities online, together with searching information on the net. But according to Nielsen there is a new killer application around: social networking.

Nielsen Research Global Active Reach

Nielsen Research Global Active Reach

A study shows, that people in the US and other countries worldwide are using social networks and blogs more often than e-mail. While searching the net remains the most popular online activity, social network and blog use exceeded that of e-mail, increasing their reach by 5.4 percentage points. As a result social network and blogging sites are now the fourth most popular activity on the Internet. Read more

After the discussion here and on Draftfcb’s blog last week, I have decided to follow up with a short poll on the usage of social networking platforms.

You can check as many answers as you like. If you would like to add other forms of networking platforms you can enter them in the field “Other“. Please separate multiple entries with commas. If you don’t use networking platforms at all for business purposes, just mention “None” in the field “Other“.
The poll should appear within this post; if not please go directly to the poll on PollDaddy’s site.
Thanks for your help!

The poll is closed. The results can be found in another post on this blog.

The original posts can be found here and on Draftfcb’s blog.

Well, you can call your customers “idiots”, for giving you feedback on your (false) products or websites. Or you can regard criticism as relevant feedback on your products and services and thank customers for giving hints where you can do better. In times where blogs and twitter are used to update and inform friends, users, customers, … Read more