
According to a new study from Nielsen social media users grow steadily on a worldwide basis: in April 2010 22% of the internet usage time has been used to engage with social media.

22% sounds like not really big? You have to take into account this report is on a global scale. Here are a few more findings:

75% of Internet users worldwide visit a social network or blog when they go online — that’s a 24% increase over the same period last year. And the average international user spends 66% more time using these sites than a year ago – a growth from 3 and a half hours last year to 6 hours in April 2010. Read more

E-mail has long been amongst the most popular activities online, together with searching information on the net. But according to Nielsen there is a new killer application around: social networking.

Nielsen Research Global Active Reach

Nielsen Research Global Active Reach

A study shows, that people in the US and other countries worldwide are using social networks and blogs more often than e-mail. While searching the net remains the most popular online activity, social network and blog use exceeded that of e-mail, increasing their reach by 5.4 percentage points. As a result social network and blogging sites are now the fourth most popular activity on the Internet. Read more